Monday, February 24, 2014

My Top 4

The top 4 things in my life, in no particular order would probably be

-My friends
-My family

I say that because:

-your friends are always there to make you laugh and help you get away from stress in your life.

-your family is going to be there when your friends aren't, in good times - and bad.

-money will help you get things you want, and in my case that'd be things like food, a car, gas, clothes.  I love food.

-sports help provide entertainment, a way to relieve stress and stay fit, and have fun. I like to play softball and basketball, and like to watch football, wrestling, basketball, and baseball. They've always been my escape.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Popular Presidents

The president I think that had the most impact on our country would probably be George Washington.  Because he was the first one, so he started the whole system, really.  Washington led us through the Revolutionary War.  He also had wooden teeth. #sweg

Monday, February 10, 2014

If I had $100,000 to give...

If I had $100,000 to give to a charity of my choice(s), I would give it to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.  I chose that charity because the kids having to fight deadly diseases day by day have hard enough lives as it is.  I have friends and family who have to experience this, and it's no fun at all.  The child doesn't get to live their life like any other kid would and to be able to contribute to letting their dream come true - like meeting a famous athlete or singer - or something, would be so cool.

Monday, February 3, 2014

I want out of here!

If I had to be anywhere but here right now, I would choose to be at a beach.  I am missing the warm weather and I miss being tan.  At the beach you can go dirt bike and truck on the and dunes and go swimming in the water.  Or you could just relax and go fishing or lay in the sand.