Monday, November 25, 2013


Turkey day is upon us :b To me Thanksgiving gives me time to reflect and realize how much I really have to be thankful for on a relative daily basis. And it's also time for football.  And to give my thanks for football. ♥

My family celebrates Thanksgiving at my house every year.  Most of my family lives in the Ann Arbor and Detroit area so it is about an hour drive, but we have Christmas at their houses, so it's kind of a trade off. We don't really eat anything "un-typical" of the holiday.  But for the past few years we've made manicotti because we have 2 vegetarians in the family, so they would need a main course to eat besides turkey.  We also make a mean dirt pudding. 

American's celebrate Thanksgiving to pretend they are thankful, watch NFL football, and for stores to get rid of their clearance items for mega low prices and people can use those as Christmas presents.

Happy holidays

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Dull Evening Consits of...

NOTHING!  I hate the nights when I can't do anything.  Sure, I like to watch sports and TV, but definitely not for a whole day.  And nothing is worse than when you can't hang out with any of your friends. 

Coming from a teenager, this might sound weird, but I hate sitting on my phone all day.  I hae those kind of days, usually this happens every Sunday.  U

GH!  Maybe I'll just sleep for the whole day. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Honesty is the best policy

It's best to be honest for lots of reasons.  A primary reason is because if you aren't honest, and people find out, you won't be trusted.  Trust is the foundation to any successful relationship.  Whether it's between a friendship, family member, or any other loved one. 

I mean, you know that if someone was a liar you wouldn't trust them with any information or responsibilities - like school work or secrets. 

Ja feel?

I think there is a time where it's ok to lie, but not for anything massive.  Only little things like telling a kid about the tooth fairy or something.

I don't know how much I lie.  Everyone does it, they cant deny it.  I wouldn't say I do it often - if I did I would be in so much trouble and involved in so much drama.  If lying doesn't effect you quickly it will eventually back fire on you.

So just stay true, honesty is the best policy

Monday, November 4, 2013

Tis the season! ➳

About a week ago I got my tags for deer season, and I'm getting antsy.  I can't wait until opening day for gun season.  It's already bow season but I haven't shot since Nam so I'm not going this year with a bow.

I'm planning on placing a bet with Mason on whoever gets a bigger buck when we go out together has to do something.  I don't know what, but I'll think of something.  >:)

Bang bang.